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Experience the tranquillity of the pre-dawn land under a canopy of stars.
When sunrise comes watch the distant domes of Kata Tjuta come into view.
Watch the amazing transformation of colours and life as the desert awakens with Uluru as the backgro

Risvegli nel deserto

Sperimenta la tranquillità della terra prima dell'alba sotto un baldacchino di stelle e osserva la straordinaria trasformazione dei colori e della vita mentre il deserto si risveglia con Uluru e Kata Tjuta come sfondo.

Una volta sorto il sole, goditi un tour guidato alla base di Uluru e visita la Mala Walk. Qui vedrai la tjukuritja (prova fisica) del Mala Tjukurpa (storia della creazione) e acquisirai una comprensione più profonda di questa antica storia che verrà portata in vita nel cielo dell'outback attraverso droni, laser, tecnologie di luce e suono all'avanguardia.


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  • ECO certificato (Advanced Ecoturismo) da Ecotourism in Australia
  • Rispettando la nostra cultura (ROC) Certificato da Ecotourism in Australia

Desert Awakenings

You arrive at your private dune top viewing area well before the sun breaches the horizon. As your traditional bushman’s breakfast is being prepared, your guide will explain the retreating star scape above. Enjoy a cup of billy tea and damper as you watch the sunrise bring you spectacular views of Uluru / Ayers Rock and the vast landscape stretching as far as the eye can see. Your guide will explain the natural history of the region and as the daylight reveals the myriad of animal tracks in the sand an insight into what activity took place through the night. Uluru-Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre is the next stop, a vibrant and engaging place of learning where the local lore of the Anangu (the local Aboriginal people). Next take a short walk into Mutitjulu waterhole, where you will appreciate its cathedral like proportions and why it is such a powerful and spiritual place for visitors and Anangu alike.


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