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The most beautiful learning space
Getting ready for weaving with the ladies
Nyinyikay's red cliffs

Nyinyikay Dha Wuba

ニーニカイの故郷は、ノーザン テリトリーのイースト アーネム ランドのアーネム湾にあります。

Nyinyikay の文化教育とイマージョン プログラムは、先住民族以外の訪問者が伝統的なオーストラリア先住民族の文化についての洞察を得るユニークな異文化の機会を提供します。


男性は、シロアリがくり抜かれた木を認識し、イダキ (ディジュリドゥ) を作成するためにこれらを準備する技術を発見します。彼らは、伝統的な踊りや音楽に合わせてビルマの木の拍手棒を作るスキルなどの活動に参加します。彼らは自分のガルプやり投げを作る方法を学びます。




  • COVIDクリーン実践ビジネス
  • COVID安全

Crossing Country - Yolŋu Dhukarr

The Crossing Country Tour has all the makings of a genuine adventure in culture, visiting one of a selection of remote Yolŋu homelands. The tour is suitable for all ages, and we welcome families with children to share in this life changing experience. Not only will you participate in a variety of cultural programs and activities, but you will cross a diversity of incredible landscapes during the tour. This tour will give you an understanding of Yolŋu culture, and the Yolŋu peoples’ connection to land and sea.

Become part of a small Yolŋu community and be made to feel like part of the family, take part in daily activities and make lasting friendships. Learn about Yolŋu kinship, traditional lore and language, both spoken and sign. Throughout your visit you will participate in any number of activities from weaving to traditional spear fishing, gathering of bush foods and medicine, to dance (Bunggul), storytelling or learning how the Yidaki (didjeridu) is made and played.




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