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people eating pizza at special site in kakadu
group of people watching croc feeding
man canoeing in gorge

オウム (ノーザンテリトリー)




コカトゥールは主に、15 日間のヨーク岬キャンプ ツアーと 17 日間のガルフ サバンナ キャンプ ツアーを運営しています。野生動物、写真撮影、プライベートツアーも開催しています。自然保護と青少年への自然教育に情熱を注ぐ彼らは、ケアンズ近郊で青少年育成キャンプも運営しています。

彼らは自分たちの地域に最適な旅程を用意していることに誇りを持っており、Google で 5 つ星の評価を誇っています。彼らのツアーは広範囲に調査されており、通過するすべての場所の最高のものを結び付けています。



  • COVIDクリーン実践ビジネス
  • 品質ツーリズム認定
  • 持続可能な観光認定

17-Day Kakadu & Gulf Savannah (Darwin to Cairns) Tour

What is the Gulf Savannah? Only one of the most breathtaking and diverse regions in Australia, between Cairns and Darwin!

The Gulf Savannah traverses a wide range of stunning scenery from Darwin to Cairns. Over 17 days the tour visits the best of the Northern Territory's 'Top End'. Departing from Darwin, highlights include Kakadu & Litchfield National Park, The Lost City, Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park, Riversleigh Fossil Deposit, Burketown and the world famous Undara Lava Tubes! There is a helicopter flight over wetlands plus another flight over Australia’s largest aggregate saltpans! There are sunset dinner cruises, croc feeding, ancient landscapes and incredible wildlife to experience!

This might be one of the best crafted, most comprehensive & value for money tours in northern Australia!

17-Day Kakadu & Gulf Savannah (Cairns to Darwin) Tour

What is the Gulf Savannah? Only one of the most breathtaking and diverse regions in Australia, between Cairns and Darwin!

The Gulf Savannah traverses a wide range of stunning scenery from Cairns to Darwin. Over 17 days the tour visits the best of the Northern Territory's 'Top End'. Departing from Cairns, highlights include Kakadu & Litchfield National Park, The Lost City, Boodjamulla (Lawn Hill) National Park, Riversleigh Fossil Deposit, Burketown and the world famous Undara Lava Tubes! There is a helicopter flight over wetlands plus another flight over Australia’s largest aggregate saltpans! There are sunset dinner cruises, croc feeding, ancient landscapes and incredible wildlife to experience!

This might be one of the best crafted, most comprehensive & value for money tours in northern Australia!




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